Over 95% success Rate

The recruiting process can be complicated, and it takes total commitment from the student athlete, their family, and the advisors at SAAG.

With the odds stacked against them, we’re proud to have helped over 95% of the athletes we work with find the right fit for their college years.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Each path is different and requires a customized strategy tailored to the individual.

Our advisors are available 24/7 via phone, text, and email so our student athletes have access to them whenever needed. They are never alone in the process. 

Source: NCAA.org (link provided at bottom of page)

What Working With Us Looks Like

  • Initial Consultation

    During our first meeting we’ll work to get to know you and become familiar with your goals.

    This is the time to ask questions and gain an understanding of our process in more detail.

    We’ll also establish a regular check-in schedule to continue our progress.

  • Academic Importance

    As we delve into the student athlete’s transcripts, we work to understand what courses are being taken and help establish what should be taken moving forward.

    AP / Honors classes, SAT / ACT exam options, and a noteworthy academic record are all important steps in the recruiting process.

  • Athletics & Nutrition

    Current metrics, athletic ability, playing level, and good nutrition are common sense topics we will cover — and we place just as much emphasis on the off-season.

    Determination and consistency are the critical pieces necessary to align the work that is required to satisfy future expectations.

  • Collegiate Opportunity Set

    Determining which schools would be a good fit is a nuanced combination of academic aspirations, preferred geographic locations, and appropriate division of play.

    We also guide your navigation through the NCAA Clearinghouse process, from registration all the way to qualifications.

  • Exposure / Contact Plan

    We conduct the appropriate amount of exposure through showcases, camps, travel events, video, and self-promotion.

    Our contacts add tremendous value during this phase. Getting your player in front of the right people is instrumental to success.

There is a spot for everyone

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The process should begin as soon as possible, as early as freshman year of high school if possible.

    To the surprise of many, the college recruiting process varies drastically when you have a student athlete.

    It needs to begin very early in high school and requires micro-management up through the point of acceptance into a school.

    We prioritize academics (it absolutely needs to come first) and check-in consistently to stay on top of academic progress.

    SAAG will develop and execute a tailored plan conceived just for your athlete, so that when application and admissions time approaches, no curveballs are thrown your way.

  • Enlisting in a postgraduate year is something each family should seriously consider.

    An ‘additional year’ provides structure and discipline, as well as a competitive sporting environment, and has become increasingly popular in the world of college athletics.

    Ask any athlete who’s made this choice and they will tell you they’re happy they did it, as it provided them with another year to grow and excel in their sport and academics.

    The decision is more easily made once you’ve found the right prep school, and our team is well-versed in the subject.

    We’ve worked hard to develop special relationships with prep schools all across the country, and these relationships have been transformative in the progression to college sports.

  • We’re dedicated to helping all athletes find placement in a collegiate program, and we truly believe there is a spot for everyone.

    We have sent over 200 athletes to colleges and a subset of those into the MLB draft. Baseball is our specialty.

    Our extensive list of contacts and years of experience are what makes us special. We have the details on every major program in the country, and the ability to get those coaches out to watch you play during high school and summer ball seasons.

    We provide you with feedback from coach visits, focus in on schools whose attention you desire, and keep you updated along the way.

    We want to make the college recruiting journey to be fun, engaging, and as productive as possible.

NCAA Source: https://www.ncaa.org/about/resources/research/baseball-probability-competing-beyond-high-school